Photo of Francesca Candito Italy
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My name is Francesca Candito and I was born in Rome on 3/11/1975.
In Rome I was born, even though I wouldn’t disregard to live there.
Until 18 years old I lived in Berbenno a little village situated in Valtellina.
I entered and took a diploma at Liceo Art School “G. Ferrari” of Morbegno thanks to an unforgettable teacher, a woman who was able to make rise to the surface what I kept inside: the pleasure of painting. In...

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61.02 x 21.65 in
41.34 x 61.02 in
29.92 x 50.79 in
40.16 x 40.16 in

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My name is Francesca Candito and I was born in Rome on 3/11/1975.
In Rome I was born, even though I wouldn’t disregard to live there.
Until 18 years old I lived in Berbenno a little village situated in Valtellina.
I entered and took a diploma at Liceo Art School “G. Ferrari” of Morbegno thanks to an unforgettable teacher, a woman who was able to make rise to the surface what I kept inside: the pleasure of painting. In life is rather improbable to meet teachers who comprehend their pupils so deeply. Today my life has much more colours than I could have ever imagined thanks also to that teacher!

After the Liceo, I enrolled at Politecnico of Milan, Faculty of Architecture. I had therefore to part from my little village to plunge into Milan, a big city so stirring and exciting but also rich in nerve-racking stimulus.
The years spent at university were beautiful. Since then, I believe I have been changed so much. I have been learning many things from the people I met, much gorgeous people, different from myself, people who made me experience unforgettable times. University trained me to face up to life with determination and fantasy.
In 2002 I graduated in Environmental and Town Planning.
Soon after graduation I found what everyone hopes to find with a bit of stubbornness – MY JOB.
I actually deal with urban upgrading projects or, according to current fashion, urban regeneration projects - but it is the same thing. Our cities need for beauty spots, tidiness and ideas which can answer the necessities of the people who live in them. And precisely for this reason, my personal commitment is often social-housing oriented.
I have recently founded (and manage) a partnership called Bradet which deals with urban regeneration projects.
Bradet is not an imaginary name. Bradet is the name of a small village situated in Transylvania, Rumania. In this little village there are only two buildings: one is a big restaurant, and the other is a wooden house where many abandoned children live. I have been learning many things from these children too.

During these last few years, I have mounted and exhibited with my paintings at the following events:

• July 2009 - “Umana solitudine”
International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Galleria Il Borgo, Milan.
“The bitter taste of modernity becomes manifest in the indifference and coldness among human beings, more and more left to their own’s devices and condemned to live in an atmosphere of cynical selfishness so far from the utopia of solidarity.”
The painting present at the exhibition titled “Solitudine Metropolitana” was selected by a committee of experts. Mrs. Sabina Falzone, art reviewer, wrote a review on the painting; the full text of it is on my blog at

• May 2010 - “Angeli del Rook”
Art melts with music, event in Milan.
For this event was made a video of the selected works of art which was screened at “Indro Montanelli Park” to coincide with a concert. Afterwards was organized an exhibition in Milan at “Contenitore Artistico”.
For the occasion, the paintings selected were: “Pensieri d’ attesa” and “La strada”. The trustee was Mr. Roberto Ronca.

• September 2010 - “Human rights ?”
Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, Rovereto (TN).
“The artists speak of human rights. Painting, sculpture, photography, graphic art, digital art, video art, interactive art and performances by 141 artists from 25 nations. This event handles with uncomfortable and complex matters of exposure, which goad the conscience of all those subjects who while fully enjoying their rights do not think about all the people who have them trampled on each day.”
The painting selected for the event was “Acei copii”.

• November 2010 - “Sette artisti in mostra”
Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
A group exhibition mounted in a building complex turned into an art gallery.

• December 2010 - One-man exhibition
NH Hotel - Via Luciano Lama n. 10, Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
On behalf of the “Associazione Imprenditori Nord Milano”.

• January – April 2011
In the last months I have been engaged, with the support of a team, in the organization of an one-man exhibition at the building called “Ex Fabbrica del Ghiaccio”, Comune di Bresso (MI).

Since I founded the society Bradet (and, therefore, since I had the chance to manage my time by myself) I decided to devote most of my time to Art, because I think it is one of the most important things in my life.
As far as I am concerned, I can say that I do not know such a perfect and comprehensive form of art as painting able to express what I feel inside of me.
Last year I passed the entrance examination at the Accademia di Brera of Milan, and this year I am enrolled to the two-years course in Painting at same Academy of Art.

I feel happy because there is nothing more important in life than listen to what your heart says to you.


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